I just have to ask because it's been at least 2 days since I suggested we start doing push ups, have you pushed up lately? Are you keeping track of your push up progress? I have..yes I'm proud to say that I have been doing my morning push ups. I am able to do 10 on my toes, but I can double that number on my knees...hmmmm.
I think if I want to make some progress I will stick doing them on my toes for now. My goal is to do 10 in the morning just before breakfast, shower and kids waking up..real quick it only takes a minute--join me? Then throw in another ten or maybe more, who knows, midday. The last 10 will come in the evening sometime.
Yesterday I was attempting to do a variety of push ups (Hindu, Wide, etc), you know, just to see if I could. Well I can't, not yet. Lisa from LA Acupuncture mentioned in her comment that she likes to do chaturanga dandasana ((chaht-tour-ANG-ah don-DAHS-anna) ). What in the world, that's a whole other language for me. It is, really, its Yoga language and that's an area I have not touched yet. I decided to look into this a bit and give it a try. But I can see from this article in the Yoga Journal that it could be a really great exercise. By the way, the journal tells you how to modify for beginner as well as the benefits. As for me, let's just say that I'm not quite there yet.
As for getting the family to follow, I have to share because this is my goal, so far, both my daughters have decided they need to "tone" their bodies as well (ages 14, 6) and ask to do push ups usually after school. So far the older can do about 8 on her knees and about 5 on her toes. The little one only will do them on her toes; she can do about 5 as well. Very impressive. The conductor (17) did not wish to participate yet as he feels that his metabolism is so high he doesn't need to "overexert himself to stay in shape." Sure, say that now. I must continue to work on him, maybe a little bribery will work-- "you want to use my car, you must first GET DOWN AND GIVE ME 10!!" Mr. Toolman is an avid body builder so he has to show off that he can do plenty of push ups with the kids on his back--OK show off!!
I encourage everyone out there to start pushing up your own body weight and make it even more fun by getting the family involved. I'm off to push the floor down!
Stay Well
Arrgghhh! I totally need to keep practicing my pushups! I can't continue to say that 10 on-the-toes is my goal, and yet forget to practice them...
Posted by: Zandria | May 25, 2008 at 22:58
I know the feeling. I did quite a few in class last week but once the weekend kicked in it was not as easy for me to get down and do them...time to start a new this week and kick it up a notch!! :)
Posted by: spindiva | May 26, 2008 at 07:39
I'm working on them--my goal is to do 5 on the toes by June 20, working up to 25 on the toes. When I got out of Navy boot camp, I could do 44 so I know I have it in me!
Posted by: Jen | May 26, 2008 at 09:56
I love that you did a post on pushups. Women get a bad wrap when it comes to upper body strength but yoga whips your upper body into shape in no time.
Keep practicing chaturanga dandasana. It's so powerful...and so are you!!!!
Be well.
Posted by: Tamara | May 27, 2008 at 02:13